Implementation of the quality management system for institutional development at Uniandes-Quevedo University.

  • Danilo Augusto Viteri Intriago
  • Dionisio Vitalio Ponce Ruiz
  • Lyzbeth Kruscthalia Álvarez Gómez
  • Juan Carlos Albarracín Matute
  • Gilma Nelly Rivera Segura.
Keywords: Socio-institutional management, university processes, integral and professional training, training model


This paper addresses the problems that exist in the UNIANDES-Quevedo extension. The following research problem is posed: How to contribute to the improvement of the management of institutional quality for the professional human development of excellence in UNIANDES-Quevedo? In the interest of solving this problem, the objective was set: To develop a socio-institutional quality management system to ensure the integral human formation of professionals in an institutional climate of excellence. From the science are employed methods such as: modeling, systemic, inductive-deductive, among others. The research provides as fundamental results: The Model processes of institutional management at UNIANDES University and the Socio-Institutional Project, which are being applied at the institution.
