Financial management and the impact on the recovery of investment in the hotel sector of Puyo city.

  • Miryan Janeth Arévalo Haro
  • Sindy Escobar Arévalo
  • Washington Hernán Sánchez Bonilla.
Keywords: Tourism, hotel industry, competitiveness, recovery of investment, financial management


The hotel sector is part of the chain of tourism and is made up of small and medium enterprises in Ecuador, which help balance of payments, increase public revenues, generate added value, encourage business activity, and create jobs limited by the lack of financial tools that allow them to be effective in their decisions. The research starts from a set of theoretical and methodological requirements for financial management, then through the application of surveys to hotel managers in the city analyzes the impact on the recovery of the investment, which concludes in a financial model for Los Cofanes hotel in Puyo city.
