State of the enviromental legal situation and co-responsibility with the ecosystem of the Chibunga River communities – Riobamba, Ecuador.

  • Janneth Ximena Iglesias Quintana
  • Yusmany Puerta Martínez
  • Lola Ximena Cangas Oña
  • Gandy Francisco Álvarez Enríquez.
Keywords: Legal environmental situation, environment, ecosystem, rights of nature


The objective of this research is to systematize the legislation related to the conservation and care of the environment in Ecuador, taking as a starting point the state of the socio-environmental legal situation and the co-responsibility with the Chibunga River ecosystem located in Riobamba City, Chimborazo province. The main results are the lack of adequate regulatory legislation on pollution, the limited commitment on the part of the authorities of the Riobamba canton to preserve the environment, and the lack of knowledge of the community under investigation; actions that must be done to care for their environment.
