The hermeneutical paradigm. A proposal for the recognition of the "other" in the indigenous communities of Ecuador.

  • Carmen Marina Méndez Cabrita
  • Angel Antonio Marín Pérez
  • Alex Fernando Cruz Enríquez
  • Carlos Gilberto Rosero Martínez.
Keywords: Hermeneutic-interpretive paradigm, recognition of the other, dialogicity, ethicity


The objective of this research was to critically rethink the importance of the hermeneutical paradigm as a new epistemic framework for the understanding of "recognition of the other" in the indigenous communities of Ecuador. The interpretative hermeneutics is channeled towards the search for meaning and the interpretation of the experiences, of the people in each social group, therefore, any analysis for the understanding of this phenomenon, although it could be based on a quantitative measurement, would be insufficient given the different configurations that demand that complex reality. Thus, arose the need to propose interpretative-hermeneutics as the ideal ethical-dialogical perspective that promotes direct interlocution with social actors, whom it considers as research subjects and producers of knowledge of its own reality.
