Digital tools in the university education of the students of the Business Administration course of UNIANDES Santo Domingo.

  • Franklin Gerardo Naranjo Armijo
  • Mario Javier Cabezas Arellano
  • Héctor Omar Samaniego Salcán
  • Hernán Enrique Condo Rodríguez
  • Julio Adrián Alvarado Vélez.
Keywords: Digital competences, higher education, educational innovation, information society


The present document sought to identify and characterize the digital competences that the students of the Autonomous Regional University of the Andes, UNIANDES have and their incidence in the 21st century university education from a quasi-experimental design with a quantitative and descriptive research. The study population was made up of subjects, specifically the career of Business Administration that through the application of a structured questionnaire with sixteen questions (16). Emphasis was placed on different approaches, as background to determine how technologies have changed in education and their use as fundamental tools for students. Finally, the results obtained allowed us to determine the influence of digital tools on university students.
