Subjects of a civil dialogue in the resolution of inter-ethnic conflicts in societies with ethnocultural diversity.

  • Valery V. Kasyanov
  • Tatyana M. Chapurko
  • Maiga Sory Ibrahim
  • Tauzhan M. Klimenko
  • Sergey A. Merzakanov
  • Sergey I. Samygin.
Keywords: civil dialogue, civil society, interethnic conflicts, traditional society, state


The article substantiates the expediency of using civil dialogue as an effective means of preventing interethnic conflicts. It shows that it is advisable to develop a civil dialogue in societies characterized by ethno-cultural diversity, based on a dialogue model that identifies representatives of state, civil and traditional structures as subjects of the dialogue. The typology of civil society actors is based on the criteria for dividing them into formal and informal institutions.
