Methodological approach to determine job satisfaction and professional trajectories of nursing graduates.

  • Xóchitl Cuevas Bahena.
Keywords: job satisfaction, professional trajectories, nurses, measurement instruments


This article mentions the strategy that made it possible to develop an instrument that determined the degree of job satisfaction and typified the professional trajectories of graduates of the Nursing Degree of the Autonomous University of Guerrero (UAGro), using a quantitative, descriptive and analytical methodology, classified in two categories; on the one hand, the professional trajectories proposed by Jiménez (2009) that were adapted for the construction of the instrument, and on the other hand, aspects of the theory of the two intrinsic (psychological) and extrinsic (socioeconomic) factors proposed by Herzberg, were taken up again. The aspects that were included in this instrument are the physiological aspects of nursing professionals.
