The Topic of “Karabakh” in the Azerbaijani Poetry.

  • Najafova Marziyya Allahyar Gizi.
Keywords: Karabakh, poetry, war, motherland, artistic gatherings


The article mainly describes artistic gatherings which were created, developed and formed in Karabakh at the beginning of the 19th century. It provides interesting information about Karabakh poets who were upbrought by the artistic gatherings like Majlisi-ums, majlisi-faramusham. Their poems devoted to Karabakh are being analyzed, emphasizing the role of the poetry of the 19th century in contributing to the development of the Azerbaijani poetry from the 90s up to nowadays, noting the difference between the poetry of the 19th century when Karabakh was the centre of art and that of the 20th century when Karabakh was invaded. The templates which were cretaed during the 90s were analyzed, being topic palette and peculiarities of the 90 the essence of this article.
