Names of months and national linguistic picture of world on material of karachai-Balkarian folklore and literature.

  • Mussa Bahautdinovich Ketenchiev
  • Aminat Taubievna Dodueva
  • Fatima Taulanovna Uzdenova
  • Sahadin Magametovich Khubolov.
Keywords: Turkic languages, folklore, vocabulary, months’ names, language picture of the world


The article is devoted to the multidimensional analysis of the archetypal names of the months in the language. The ethnocultural labeling of the months’ names is revealed and seen referring to the texts of folklore and fiction. There is a conceptualization of such important components of an innocent picture of the world as time, tradition and activity, determining that practically all archetypal month’s nominations appear in the works of historical and ethnographic orientation. Nomination of months is connected to ancient beliefs of the Karachai-Balkarian ethnos, dating back to the period of paganism and Tengrism. Artistic works dedicated to the people life in the past, marked by intertextuality and saturated with lot of ethnografisms, reflect various ethnocultural realities of the Karachay-Balkarian ethnos.
