Information-educational environment as means of youth extremism prevention: theoretical aspects.

  • Olga V. Ivanchuk
  • Ruslan V. Zabirov.
Keywords: extremism, youth extremism prevention in an educational institution, information-educational environment


The attraction of the young generation to different types of extremist organizations and groups is one of the serious challenges of our time. This article describes the possibility of applying the so-called "environmental approach" to develop new means to prevent juvenile extremism. In our opinion, the specially designed educational and information environment of an educational institution has a great pedagogical potential and a positive effect on the personality of the students. To develop such an educational environment, we have: 1) summarized the experience of the predecessors in the field of methodology to create an educational and information environment; 2) outstanding invariant components of the educational and information field, and 3) highlighted the pedagogical conditions to form components of such scope.
