Diagnosis of the initial state of the strategies for the learning of the Physics and the Chemistry in the races Degree Physical Education, Degree Chemical Education and Agronomic Engineering.

  • Guadalupe Moreno Toiran
  • Nelsy Perfecto Pérez Ponce de León
  • Odalys Mancebo Rivero
  • Amalia Ricardo Pérez.
Keywords: diagnosis, instrument, learning strategies


The work presents the results of an investigation carried out within the framework of the project: Study of the initial preparation for the learning of Physics and Chemistry of the students who enter the careers of Engineering in Agronomy and Degree in Chemistry and Physical Education, whose objective is to diagnose learning strategies. The final product is an instrument with 36 items that evaluates the cognitive, supportive and metacognitive strategies that students use. For the elaboration of this instrument, a methodology was applied that implies the definition and identification of the variables that are to be measured and the determination of items and indicators of each of those variables.
