Current youth policy in the cultural and spiritual continuum of Russia.

  • Elena Aralova
  • Tatyana Kashchenko
  • Irina Polozhentseva
  • Irina Sinitsyna
  • Galina Yulina.
Keywords: youth, millennials, Z generation, spiritual stress, spiritual and moral values


At the beginning of the 2000s, youth activity is expressed mainly in the form of requirements for the country and the older generation for the return and strengthening of the paternalistic functions of the state and ensuring their implementation. The interest of the younger generation to the politics and culture of their country, region, small homeland is increasing, prompting young people to unite, and escape the spontaneity and vagueness prevalent today. Attention is focused on the youth of the new generation of the 2000s, who actually are forming the “pivot” of citizenship and patriotism in their lives. The “Z” generation sees itself, not as asking for free handouts, but as partners of government structures ready for self-realization in Russia.
