Methodological the independent work in the Sociopolitical Theory.

  • Norge Manuel Larramendi Céspedes
  • Dayami Ramírez Polanco
  • Dayron Ramón Viltres Díaz
  • José Armando Rosabal Rodríguez.
Keywords: Methodology, independent work, semipresencial model


The research addresses a study on independent work in the subject Sociopolitical Theory taught in the blended model. The inadequacies in the independent work in the aforementioned subject and type of course was the main problem; so, the objective was: to elaborate a methodology for the improvement of the referred problem, an issue that contributed to the cognitive independence of the third year students of the Sociocultural Studies career. Theoretical and empirical methods were used. The main result was the methodology consisting of four moments, a conceptual foundation from the stages of conception, execution and evaluation, as well as the procedures that must be developed for each of them.
