Information System for monitoring graduates in Ecuadorian higher education institutions.

  • Cristian Salomón Guevara Albán
  • Ariel Romero Fernández
  • Freddy Pablo Cañizares Galarza.
Keywords: Follow-up to graduates, labor insertion, information system, ollow-up process to graduates and labor insertion


The follow-up of graduates is an activity of great importance for educational institutions because it allows improving communication with students who graduate from it and feedback on current labor market. An information system is proposed for the control of monitoring processes for graduates and labor insertion in higher education institutions, which contributes to improving quality indicators. A survey of graduates and an interview with executives related to this activity are applied, evidencing that the institutions communicate with their graduates, but using scattered sources which evidences the need to have a system that integrates all the information and facilitates decision making academic.
