Didactic conception of a laboratory practice from the aperture levels.

  • Leticia Centelles Badell
  • Olga Gloria Barbón Pérez
  • Neyda Hernández Bandera
  • Lina Espinosa Pire
  • Abdel Bermúdez del Sol.
Keywords: Laboratory practice, chromatographic separations, aperture levels, didactic intervention strategy


A didactic intervention strategy was implemented, based on workshops for 30 students. This led to the redesign of the practice based on the modification of the opening level. It was based on a non-experimental descriptive design of pretest-posttest type without control group. Before and after administering the strategy, evaluation instruments were applied to measure the behavior of the dependent variables and the knowledge of problems associated with the practice initially and the impact of the strategy on the development of skills, respectively. The sign test was applied for a level of significance p <0.01, whose result (Z> 2.33) points to the positive impact of the didactic strategy on the variables under study.
