To the question of terminology, used in the legislation on local self-government in the part of definition of notions of the deputies, and also persons, replacing municipal positions.

  • Ilya Zakharov
  • Anna Gubareva
  • Kseniya Kovalenko.
Keywords: Local self-government, local authorities, deputy, local government official, elected official of local self-government


The article analyzes the terminology used in the Federal law of October 6, 2003 № 131-FL «On general principles of the organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation» in relation to definitions of such categories as «deputy», «official of local self-government», «elected person of local self-government», «elected official of local self-government». The author concludes that the legislation on local self-government in respect of these categories should be simplified. Recommendations on improvement of legal regulation in the part of named persons are offered.
