Abuse of Rights in Corporate Legal Relations: The concept and characteristics, subjects and forms.

  • Aleksey I. Ovchinnikov
  • Svetlana V. Ribak
  • Marina V. Alekseeva
  • Tatiana V. Veselaya
  • Olga V. Diachenko.
Keywords: Abuse of Rights, Corporate Legal Relations, Greenmail, Unfair Entrepreneurship


The purpose of the research is to determine the Abuse of Rights in Corporate Legal Relations; the theoretical, methodological, conceptual and institutional aspects of abuse of the right by shareholders in relations with a joint-stock company were used. Results showed that Abuse of Rights by shareholders is understood as a violation by shareholders of the basic rules of corporate behavior according to which a shareholder is obliged to exercise his/her rights and legitimate interests while respecting the rights of other shareholders, as well as the entire joint-stock company.
