Prevention of pregnancies and sexual education in nursing students of the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico.

  • María Eugenia Álvarez Orozco
  • Rosalía Aguirre Rivera
  • Karen Araceli Trujillo Martínez
  • Andrea Zúñiga Marín
  • Cristina Polet Gutierrez Rodríguez.
Keywords: sexual health and prevention


Unsafe sex has caused an increase in the number of pregnancies; so, it is intended to identify if the students of the Nursing degree of the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico have correct and complete information on prevention methods, and discuss the use they give to. The universe was 264 students, the type of sampling is not probabilistic with a sample of 156 students. As result of the study, the age of 20 years predominates, beginning their sexual life between 14 and 15 years in an insecure environment, because they do not know the advantages, effectiveness and the correct way to use contraceptive methods.
