Problems of definition and consolidation of the principles of anti-corruption policy in the modern world.

  • Inessa Shagenovna Galstyan
  • Irina Nikolaevna Klyukovskaya
  • Roman Ruslanovich Gabrilyan
  • Olga Yurievna Aparina
  • Viktor Yegorovich Semenov.
Keywords: corruption, anti-corruption policy, fight against corruption, prevention of corruption, corruption factors


This article specifies theoretical problems of definition and consolidation of the principles of anti-corruption policy in modern world, requiring detailed and more precise consideration. The concept, structure, and content of anti-corruption policy, forms of its manifestation, understanding of its principles as a kind of concentrated content of law are defined, the system of principles of law is studied, and the principles of anti-corruption policy are separated. Dialectical and comparative legal methods are used. The scientific novelty is manifested in an attempt to objectively consider the problems arising in the process of formation of anti-corruption policy with an eye on the principles of anti-corruption policy in international legal documents with possible implementation in national legislation and legal life.
