Analysis of the incidence in the academic performance of the scholarship students taking into account the hours of study and the qualifications of a group of the Autonomous Regional University of the Andes.

  • Cindy Rodríguez Tapia
  • Germánico Caguanco Almeida
  • Segundo Rosero Portilla
  • Diego Coca Freire.
Keywords: academic performance, scholarships, study hours, qualifications


His study is aimed at providing some more elements on academic performance, taking together two independent variables that are the hours of study and the qualifications of a large group of students of the Autonomous Regional University of the Andes in Ecuador to check their influence on the dependent variable number of scholarship students. The present investigative work is of correlational type. According to the focused objectives it can be classified as exploratory, empirical and deductive and by the way data processing is quantitative, correlational.
