Suggestions to teachers for the care of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) included in the context of a diverse class group.

  • Zulema Corona Castañeda
  • Yusleidys Rodríguez Aguilar
  • Yuneiky Licea Proenza.
Keywords: autistic children, diverse class groups, education


Educational inclusion has the responsibility of offering a quality education to all children, adolescents and young people with Special Educational Needs, so it is necessary to prepare teachers to face the challenge of attending to diversity; hence, the teaching of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) included in the context of diverse class groups is a challenge. This article offers suggestions to teachers for the care of children with ASD included in the context of a diverse class group; this theme being one of the biggest questions that arise in teachers who have the difficult task of educating diversity, due to the characteristics of these children.
