Humanities in crisis: Positioning strategies.

  • Efraín Alfredo Barragán-Perea
  • Concepción Luján-Álvarez
  • Luz Elena Guzmán-Ibarra
  • Humberto Luján-Álvarez
  • Jorge Alfonso Jiménez-Castro
  • María del Carmen Gutiérrez-Díez.
Keywords: Educational marketing, marketing model, higher education in humanities, positioning of educational programs


The research deals with the proposal of a marketing communication model in the institutions of the National Network of Schools and Faculties of Philosophy, Letters and Humanities in Mexico, as a base instrument to position their educational programs before a scenario of low demand for the study of humanities careers in the country. The research was based on the case study of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the Autonomous University of Chihuahua, Mexico. The methodology consisted in a study of the positioning of its educational offer, from which the new model, with multidimensional strategies validated by a panel of experts and by the institutions that are part of the Network, was generated.
