Principles of the Judiciary: Constitutional Experience of structural regulation in American countries.

  • Aleksej P. Treskov
  • Al'bina S. Kalmanova
  • Tatiana N. Matyusheva
  • Vyacheslav L. Rasskazov
  • Lyudmila A. Tkhabisimova.
Keywords: judicial power, principles of judicial power, Judge, independence, interaction


This article presents a legal comparison of how the operation of the judiciary is regulated by constitutions of countries in the Americas. Our analysis shows that the judiciary is regulated through chapters dedicated to the judiciary, as well as via other chapters of the constitutions. The formalization of the latter regulations is the subject of this article. We establish that the non-dedicated chapters of constitutions provide for (but are not limited to) such key principles of the judiciary authority as independence, cooperation / coordination, and a number of judicial practices. All other regulations deal directly with the activities of the judiciary in the humanitarian aspect.
