Assessment of the training situation of both students and professors at the Autonomous Regional University of the Andes (UNIANDES).

  • Alex Javier Peñafiel Palacios
  • Raúl Fabricio Sánchez Santacruz
  • Leonardo Iván Barahona Tapia
  • Wimper Venancio Nivela Zapata.
Keywords: training, students, teachers, student retention


This research is conducted at the Autonomous Regional University of the Andes (UNIANDES)) and aims to assess the relationship that has the training of students and teachers with the reduction of students outside the university. This research can be classified as exploratory, empirical and deductive. The way in which data is processed is a quantitative, correlational type of research. And according to the classification criterion of the research design, it is multivariate.
