Deep nature of the reality of the work of the university professor in Virtual Learning Environments: case universities of the northwest of Mexico.

  • María Teresa Pérez Piñón
  • David Picazo
  • Dagoberto Pérez Piñón
  • Aixchel Cordero Hidalgo
  • José Abelardo Anguiano Chavira.
Keywords: distance learning, qualitative research, phenomenology, teacher


The objective was to characterize the profile of the teacher who teaches in virtual learning environments (VLE). With a phenomenological approach, information was collected from focus groups of teachers from institutions of higher education in the northwestern region of Mexico. The results reflect that the VLE teacher assumes several roles: graphic designer, content, style editor and platform administrator, activities that may ultimately detract from the quality of his chair. The teacher is a facilitator who uses Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) as a means of interaction; It requires training in ICT, virtual pedagogy and disciplinary. The findings can serve as sustenance to delineate strategies for the benefit of educational quality in unconventional modalities.
