The development of oral expression skills, from the integrated curriculum.

  • Ana Caridad Moré O´Reilly
  • Mavel Moré Estupiñán
  • María Xiomara Rojas Villar.
Keywords: Oral expression, integrated curriculum, primary education, rural context, systematization


The work is related to the development of oral expression skills through the development of class systems from the conception of the integrated curriculum, including all teachers and different specialists during teaching and extra teaching activities. This experience is developed with the objective of influencing the students of the second cycle of the multi-grade school “Agustín Gómez-Lubián Urioste”, in the central region of Cuba. The Spanish Language constitutes the guiding subject of the activities. The fundamental contribution lies in the proposal of class systems based on the precepts presented here and in the didactic approach to language teaching: cognitive, communicative and sociocultural.
