Political power and socio-cultural organization of society: problems of theory and history.

  • Valentin Ya. Liubashits
  • Nikolai V. Razuvaev
  • Alexey Y. Mamychev
  • Svetlana I. Kuzina
  • Viktor F. Novozhilov.
Keywords: State power, civil society, corporate structures, political organization, legal system


This article discusses the socio-cultural characteristics of political and state power, as well as the transformation processes of the social system. The authors consider the specific characteristics of corporate democracy in Russia, as systems of functional representation, compare this analysis with other models and concepts of corporate forms of democracy. It is argued that modern “corporate” structures, as an integral part of the functional representation system, are a transitive form of sociopolitical transformation, leading both to the formation of a “democracy of owners” and a “managed democracy”.
