Forming students’ emotional intelligence as a way of improving education quality.

  • Nadezhda A. Dmitrienko
  • Marina A. Gorbina
  • Natalya F. Porozhnyak
  • Aleksandra V. Neverova.
Keywords: emotional intelligence, self-actualization, communicative conditions, professional growth, EI components


There is a shortage of papers proving connection between students’ emotional intelligence (EI) and education quality. Identifying the relationship is of fundamental importance for improving professional growth. Therefore, this study is aimed at modeling communicative situations to form students’ EI. A study was conducted among students of Don technical university. The correlation between students’ EI and professional growth was tested. Diagnostic methods proved the efficiency of communicative situations. The paper expands the research boundaries of forming students’ EI. It is proved that EI improves education results and enhances self-actualization.
