Current state of cadets’ physical training system at technical higher military educational institutions.

  • Kostiantyn Prontenko
  • Ihor Bloshchynskyi
  • Grygoriy Griban
  • Vasyl Prontenko
  • Orest Loiko
  • Volodymyr Andreychuk
  • Pavlo Tkachenko
  • Dmytro Dzenzeliuk
  • Inesa Novitska
  • Yevgenii Zhukovskyi
  • Andriy Baldetskiy.
Keywords: cadets, physical fitness, physical training


The physical fitness level of the cadets who are the future experts in the technical types of intelligence are examined in the article. The professionally important physical qualities of the future experts of the technical types of intelligence are grounded. Cadets of the 1st – 5th years of study (n=395) took part in the research. It is determined that the professionally important physical qualities of the future experts of the technical types of intelligence are general endurance, power, static muscle endurance and coordination abilities. The cadets’ results in physical exercises are improved in the 4th year and decreased in the 5th year of study. The investigation proved the necessity of improvement of the cadets’ current physical training system.
