Requiem for Fidel: on social sciences, Marxism, intellectuals.

  • Hayled Martín Reyes Martín.
Keywords: social sciences, Marxism, intellectuals, revolution, thought


The following study focuses on the Cuban leader Fidel Castro Ruz, and his relationship with the social sciences, Marxism and intellectuals. Without pretending to do an archaeological or historical study of everything that connects the personality with this knowledge, it is an outline of the genesis where the approach for this knowledge arises, and Fidel's understanding of as a transformer of the social sciences, as an interpreter of the Marxism, and as an intellectual. This type of research is relevant, to the extent that Fidel's theoretical interrelation with this knowledge is unknown, because, if the previous approaches are analyzed, only the compilation of his thinking is noticed, and almost no critical element is contributed.
