Features of social and psychological adaptation and stress tolerance of refugees in Azerbaijan.

  • Kamila Aliyeva
  • Rashid Jabbarov.
Keywords: Baku city, internally displaced persons (IDPs), social and psychological adaptation, stress resistance


The article concerns about aspects as social and psychological adaptation and stress resistance characteristics of Internal Displaced Persons (IDPs) living in Baku city and its surrounding districts. It was determined that these aspects are comprehensively affected by IDPs’ individual psychological characteristics, sexual differences, long term frustration, number of children in the family and conflicts in the family. It is taken into consideration that migration, being coercive, is a factor that makes adaptation difficult along with many aspects. Although indicators considered important about the exposure of IDPs living in Baku city and its surrounding districts to stress from local impacts have not been found; on the contrary, violations of posttraumatic nature are high, reducing the indications of stress resistance and adaptation.
