Legal status of the court administrator in Russian Federation.

  •  Ivan Innokentievich Koryakin
  • Eka Demurievna Korkia
  • Afanasy Ighorevich Stepanov
  • Yana Aleksandrovna Petrovа-Yadreeva
  • Makar Makarovich Yakovlev. 
Keywords: legal status, court administrator, organization and legal support of the court administrator, material and procedural legal norms


The article deals with the legal status and its problems of administrators of courts of General jurisdiction, legal concepts of its status, and actual theoretical and methodological aspects in the context of modern problems of development of legal science. Conclusions are drawn on the specification of the legal status of court administrators and their organization of activities. Material and procedural norms regulating legal relations in the sphere of activity of court administrators are considered.
