Is communication a science? An approach to the epistemological character of the communicational phenomenon.

  •  Socorro Márquez-Regalado
  • David Picazo
  • Román René Medrano Carrasco
  • Roberto Alvarado Gates. 
Keywords: Communication, epistemology, sciences, object of study, method


Research seeks to determine whether communication is an object of study in other sciences or an independent science. Based on the epistemological analysis, the elements of science were determined, the two major currents and their arguments for or against the nature of communication as science were qualitatively assessed, focusing attention on method, concept and object. It is concluded, in an exercise of abduction, valuing the rational basis of the arguments, that communication is not an independent science, but a phenomenon studied multidisciplinarily because it does not have an exclusive formal quod object; that is, possible approaches to communication are already addressed or considered by other sciences.
