The directions in the development of the press study in Azerbaijan: historical and social context.

  •  Garanfil Guliyeva Dunyamin. 
Keywords: Azerbaijani press study, the modern era, development directions, history and social context


The article focuses on the historical and social context of Azerbaijan's press history, and examines directions in press development. It identifies the current tendency in a historical and social context towards the development of press. Current stages of development directions are being analyzed. During the 1900-2000, period changes in press development, dynamics and social background are followed, and the current shortcomings factors affecting the development of the press, including the effects of the "post-Soviet regime" and "the influence of mechanisms of alien elements", are brought to the spotlight. The article ıncorporates cutting-edge research principles to clarify the scientific-theoretical landscape in the field of Azerbaijani press study.
