The role of the state in ensuring colonization processes in Russia in the first half of the 19th century: legal and organizational aspects.

  •  Sergey V. Arkhipov
  • Vadim V. Burukin
  • Andrey V. Ilyukhin
  • Vera A. Ilyukhina. 
Keywords: colonization, relocation, resettlement policy for migrants, M.M. Speransky


In the article, it is discussed about the legal aspects of ensuring the colonization of the outskirts of Russia in the first half of the XIX century. A significant role in the colonization during the study period belonged to the state. The article notes that the state has created a coherent system of legal and administrative regulation that ensures the settlement of new areas as the borders of the Russian Empire expand. It is concluded, that thanks to the colonization policy, a new socio-ethnic community of the “Russian population” was formed, which included a lot of people of different ethnic, social, social origin and religious affiliations.
