The role and influence of mass media in current moral value trends of students.

  •  Alma E. Abylkassymova
  • Valentina A. Kalnei
  • Sergey E. Shishov
  • Kirill S. Aboimov. 
Keywords: value orientation, youth, education, moral values, mass media


The purpose of the article is to study the trends in changes of attitudes among youth, as well as the impact of mass media as the key influences on moral values in young people. An analysis of the impact on the adoption and assimilation of moral values with the widespread use of the media was conducted within the framework of research and review of the assimilation and transformation of the values inherent to students. On the completion of testing, the values of modern Russian and Kazakhstani youth were distributed as follows: the first place among the modern youth was occupied by career and vocational education, and training was running second.
