Tutoring support of Learner Research Activity in the conditions of university education.

  •  M.G. Sergeeva
  • N.V. Romanova
  • S.E. Shishov
  • V.A. Kalnei
  • A.Yu. Lakhtin
  • Kh.A.Tonoyan
  • P.F. Kubrushko. 
Keywords: tutor, tutoring support, research literacy, research skills, research activity


Nowadays, it is not enough to only provide learners with certain useful information. It is necessary to teach them to be independent, initiative, intellectually flexible, ready to make decisions and be responsible for them, to consider social changes and adapt to them. Tutoring is a special variety of pedagogical support, i.e. facilitation of the learner’s personality development in the context of open education. The number of tutors is dramatically growing today as well as new, improved management and pedagogical mechanisms are being projected. Based on the positional self-identification and on the potential of tutoring support in the innovative activity of teachers in the process of continuous professional education, these mechanisms can bring to very high results.
