Analysis of H. Javid's Publicism and Philosophical Ideas in the context of modern conditions.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the works of Husey n Javid, a prominent representative of the romantic literary school , a philosopher poet, playwright and talented publicist, whose he ritage is a national artistic heritage. The article notes that Javid's creat ivity was assessed in accordance with the political and ideological methodology for many years. The article explores the enlightenment traditions that have been prominent in H.Javid's p ublicity in newspapers " Ittifak ", Hagigat " and "Igbal", and the ideas in this area are grouped by several criteria. The article also extensively focuses on theoretical provisions reflecting advanced research principles to clarify the scientific theoretica l landscape in the field of Azerbaijani press, to clarify the position of critics, journalists, publishers and publicists in various l iterary and historical contexts