Conflict as a cognition subject in Psychology of Management.

  •  Zhanylsyn Sabirova
  • Lyailya Koishigulova
  • Gulshat Shugayeva
  • Alya Faleeva
  • Mustakhim Mukhtarov
  • Anar Rizuanova
  • Gulvira Kubisheva
  • Aktoty Abdrakhmanova. 
Keywords: conflict, conflict situations, conflictology, conflictogenic


The article considers different approaches to the analysis and solution of conflicts. The authors' aim is to contribute to a more thorough theorization and to pave the way for an empirical assessment of the linkage between conflict situations and reactions to them. The article introduces a discursive definition of conflict. It is important that the linkage between conflictogenic communication and disposition to manipulation, egoism, displaced aggression, and soreness, is theorized more thoroughly, and empirically evaluated. The proposed questionnaire provides an opportunity to study conflict situations as an integral phenomenon. The authors believe it will contribute to understanding and applying various conflict management techniques and conflict resolution styles in order to form strong relationships in an organization.
