Learning strategies in Law students of the University of Havana.

  • Adela Hernández Díaz
  • Orisell Richards Martínez
Keywords: learning strategies, process of teaching-learning


This paper presents the foundations, which support the design of the course: Learning Strategies in the legal field, as a way to manage learning strategies of students of the law course in Havana University. Emphasis is placed on the potential of education for the development of this resource in the students. This is done through its planning, execution and control from the career curriculum itself. The design of the course gives a leading role to the student and his/her learning as well as the guidelines for the professor and his development

Author Biographies

Adela Hernández Díaz

Dra. en Ciencias Psicológicas y Licenciada en Psicología. Profesora
Titular del Centro de Estudios para el Perfeccionamiento de la Educación Superior (CEPES) UH.
Presidenta Consejo Científico CEPES.

Orisell Richards Martínez

Doctora en Ciencias Jurídicas, Máster en Derecho Constitucional y
Administrativo, y Licenciada en Derecho. Profesora Auxiliar de la Facultad de Derecho UH.
