The effective role of call in teaching English at postgraduate level: A Case Study of University of the Punjab, Pakistan.

  • Younas Muhammad
  • Uzma Noor
  • Samina Khalid
  • Muhammad Imran
Keywords: técnica CALL, effectiveness, integration of technology, Pakistan, teaching English


The present study aims to observe the role of CALL in teaching English. By the integration of this advanced technology in language teaching in the form of text, sounds, visual graphics, animations, and media, teachers get more fruitful and ample results under one roof from their students. The survey method used for the collection of data to investigate the effectiveness of CALL in teaching English at the postgraduate level at the University of Punjab. It concludes with recommendations that English language teaching through the CALL technique assist English teachers to provide quality-based language education along with the improvement of English language teaching skills. It also empowers the students to learn an appropriate knowledge of the English language.

Author Biographies

Younas Muhammad

Ph.D. scholar in the School of Education at Soochow University, China. His
research interests include higher education, CALL, Second Language Teaching, and Pedagogy

Uzma Noor

Ph.D. scholar in the School of Education at Soochow University, China. Her research
interests include Curriculum development, higher education, CALL, Second Language Teaching, and

Samina Khalid

Ph.D. scholar in the School of Education at Soochow University, China. Her
research interests include technology and education, higher education, CALL, Second Language
Teaching, and Pedagogy

Muhammad Imran

Ph.D. scholar in the School of Foreign Languages at Shanghai Jiao Tong
University, China. His research interests include CALL, Second Language Teaching and Pedagogy,
CDA and Comparative Literature
