The effectiveness of using Dictogloss technique to improve students' writing: a case study from University of Lahore.

  • Muhammad Ajmal
  • Iqra Iqbal
  • Rasib Mahmood
  • Ayesha Zafar
Keywords: dictogloss, integrated skill, neighboring doorway


This research was intended to find whether teaching writing hortatory exposition text through dictogloss technique could significantly increase students’ writing ability or not. The study used quantitative method with pre-test and post-test. Pre-experimental research design was used in this research. For this purpose, the researcher has chosen the students of BS level from Statistics department at University of Lahore, Lahore. A group of 88 students has been selected as a sample which has been divided into two group as experimental and control group. The results prove that dictogloss teaching method is more effective and motivational as compare to traditional method.
