Psychological indicators of students' self-fulfillment in the process of university education.

  • Elena N. Shutenko
  • Anastasia V. Koreneva
  • Tatiana V. Ashutova
  • Elena R. Statsenko
  • Svetlana I. Petoshina
  • Aleksandra V. Burtseva.
Keywords: self-fulfillment, students, learning process, motivation, personal inclinations


The authors carry out a scientific review of self-fulfillment, appealing to the three scientific tendencies of understanding this problem: preformist, existential, noological. They implement methods of psychological survey to identify groups of students with various degrees of self-fulfillment and explore their personal differences. As a result, they found that self-fulfillment is reflected in such psychological features as: motivation for learning, self-support and time competence, self-acceptance and positive self-attitude, productive life goals and internal locus control. A correlation was also established between the degree of self-fulfillment and motivation for self-development, as well as the harmony and sense-meaning coherence of students' self-concept.
