Training and globalization: the comprehensive reform of upper secondary education (RIEMS) in México.

  • Nadia Rosa Chaviano Rodríguez
  • Pedro Javier Albar Mansoa
  • José Cruz Jorge Cortés Carreño
Keywords: Training, teacher, upper secondary education, comprehensive reform


At present, the importance of education in the development of nations increases. It is urgent to analyze, in the midst of the economic, social and political conditions that dominate the current world, the place of teacher education, in particular, the teacher of upper secondary education (EMS) in Mexico, from the local and national level as it is the integral reform of this educational level RIEMS). Only a teaching-learning process developed by competent professors in terms of integral training will favor the aspiration of forming a quality graduate, capable of transforming the contexts with which they interact. The present work is part of a research developed by the main author as a doctoral thesis.
