Educational strategy for improve the coexistence of the students who lives in the college residence.

  • Dayamí Ramírez Polanco
  • Norge Manuel Larramendi Céspedes
  • Ismael Rodríguez Beltrán
  • Dayron Ramón Viltres Díaz
  • José Armando Rosabal Rodríguez
Keywords: educational strategy, coexistence, mode of behavior


The research was carried out due to the inadequate modes of action of the students in the Student Residences of the University of Granma, Cuba, having an impact on student coexistence; mainly due to the lack of consistent and systematic educational work. The objective is to develop an educational strategy that minimizes the previously stated problem. For this, research methods were used. The main results were confirmed: non-assertive communication, insufficient participation in activities, alcohol consumption and physical aggressions among students; that is why the educational strategy was developed with a systemic approach, in which coordination relationships predominate, structured in stages that are closely interrelated.
