Alcohol and tobacco consumption in undergraduate students of the classroom modality in higher education institutions.

  • Iván Pimienta Concepción
  • Juan Viteri Rodríguez
  • Nancy Verano Gómez
  • Doris Alexandra Chuquimarca Once
  • Lester Wong Vázquez
Keywords: alcohol consumption, tobacco, eating habits, physical exercises


The present study evaluates the frequency of alcohol and tobacco consumption in students of the classroom modality in institutions of higher education, related to characteristics of their lifestyles such as eating habits and physical exercises. The chi-square test of goodness of fit (χ2) was used to determine if a statistically significant difference in the prevalence of alcohol and tobacco consumption was obtained by age group of onset of consumption. The Chi-square test was used with Yacht Correction (χ2CY) to look for differences between females and males regarding the systematic performance of diet and physical exercises.
