Scientific approaches to fundamentalization of professional training of future specialists of social work

  • Liliia Rebukha
  • Hanna Ridkodubska
  • Oksana Shukatka
  • Liudmyla Yakubova
  • Ihor Bloshchynskyi
  • Iryna Melnychuk
Keywords: professional training, future specialists of social work, fundamentalization of education, innovative approaches


The article describes the fundamentalisation of higher professional education as a multidimensional phenomenon that is fully capable to provide the most optimal conditions for the formation of the basic special and professional competences of the student, which meet the requirements of modern development of society adequately and in real time and space. The scientific approaches to the fundamentalization of the professional training of future specialists of social work are substantiated in the process of their training at higher education institution: axiological, complex and integrational. The influence of certain scientific approaches on the formation of knowledge, abilities, standardized skills, personal and professionally important qualities of students, which are the components of future professional activity of social workers, was revealed.
