Educational policies, standardized assessments and integral school formation in Chile: analysis of the devaluation of different subjects of the curriculum.

  • Felipe Nicolás Mujica Johnson.
  • Claudia Inostroza Barahona
Keywords: educational policies, school education, school education social justice, educational quality


In Chile, different neoliberal educational policies have been developed, including the application of different standardized evaluations. Therefore, this essay evaluates the effect produced by these evaluations, and in particular, the devaluation of important school subjects in the curriculum. Thus, it is recognized that these pedagogical policies reduce the educational quality to a few school subjects focused on the intellectual field, and consequently, the importance of the other areas that make up the integral education of students is relativized. In this way, a technocratic, mercantilist and therefore dangerous educational context has been maintained for social development, because the sense of formal education needs to be oriented towards the adequate cultural emancipation of people.
