Local development and social and solidarity economy; from history to “Los Palacios” municipality.

  • Bárbara Blanco Correa
  • Dianelys Fernández Márquez
  • Dimeri Piñeiro Esquivel
Keywords: Local development, social and solidarity economy, development strategy


Local development acquires a greater need every day. Its supreme goal of promoting a better quality of life to be social requires changes and transformations palpable at different scales. With the approval of the Constitution, there are opportunities to achieve this objective, which demonstrates the political will and necessary planning of each process to be developed. Based on concepts from the social and solidarity economy, new styles can be assumed to better contribute to local development. With the employment, fundamentally of theoretical and empirical methods, contributions and definitions are compiled that in relation to the topic are addressed by different authors in various bibliographies, which are analyzed in the development strategy of Los Palacios.
