Reading habits in youth a challenge for Ecuadorian teachers

  • Miriam Janneth Pantoja Burbano
  • Nelson Javier Lucero Ayala
  • Olga Germania Arciniegas Paspuel
  • Jenny Fernanda Enriquez Chugá
Keywords: Reading habit, reading, teaching, square chi


Considering the importance of reading for the formation of students, an investigation was developed with respect to the reading habits of high school students from the 17th of July Educational Unit and students from UNIANDES, Ibarra headquarters in the careers of Business Administration, Accounting and Auditing. The objective was to establish a relationship between the reading habits of high school students and university students. The study used a methodological design based on qualitative and quantitative research, of a transversal nature, with the use of the synthetic analytical method. It was determined that reading habits at the high school level persist at the university level and that they constitute a challenge for teachers.
